港股指数熔断,Udersadig he Hog Kog Sock Marke Idex Circui Breaker

Ceraily! Here's a aricle o he Hog Kog Sock Marke Idex Circui Breaker, formaed wih headigs ad ags as requesed:

Udersadig he Hog Kog Sock Marke Idex Circui Breaker

The cocep of a circui breaker i fiacial markes is desiged o preve exreme volailiy ad paic sellig durig urbule radig sessios. Iroduced i various global markes afer he 1987 sock marke crash, circui breakers have become a crucial mechaism i esurig marke sabiliy. I Hog Kog, he Hag Seg Idex (HSI) has is ow versio of a circui breaker, aimed a safeguardig ivesors ad he broader fiacial sysem.

Wha is a Circui Breaker?

A circui breaker is a regulaory isrume used by sock exchages o emporarily hal radig whe here is a sharp declie i he marke. Is primary purpose is o give ivesors ime o reassess heir posiios ad o preve paic sellig ha could furher exacerbae marke declies. The mechaism helps i resorig marke cofidece ad preves excessive marke volailiy.

The Fucioig of Hog Kog's HSI Circui Breaker

I Hog Kog, he HSI circui breaker riggers are based o he moveme of he Hag Seg Idex iself. There are wo levels ha ca rigger radig hals:

Level 1: If he Hag Seg Idex falls by 10% from is previous close, radig i all socks lised o he mai board will be haled for oe hour.

Level 2: If he Hag Seg Idex falls by 15% from is previous close, radig will be haled for he res of he day.

These riggers are desiged o give marke paricipas ime o diges iformaio ad preve paic sellig ha could lead o furher marke declies. They also provide regulaors wih a opporuiy o assess marke codiios ad ake appropriae acio if ecessary.

Reasos for Implemeig he HSI Circui Breaker

The HSI circui breaker was implemeed o address several cocers:

Marke Sabiliy: By halig radig durig periods of exreme volailiy, he circui breaker aims o preve marke crashes ad maiai sabiliy.

Ivesor Proecio: I provides a safey e for ivesors, allowig hem ime o reevaluae heir posiios wihou he pressure of immediae marke movemes.

Regulaory Oversigh: I gives regulaors he opporuiy o assess marke codiios ad ake ecessary acios o maiai orderly markes.

Impac of he HSI Circui Breaker o Marke Paricipas

The HSI circui breaker has boh posiive ad egaive impacs o marke paricipas:

Posiive Impac: I preves paic sellig ad provides a coolig-off period for ivesors, reducig he likelihood of furher marke declies.

egaive Impac: I ca disrup radig ad liquidiy, especially if he circui breaker is riggered early i he radig sessio.

Overall, he beefis of he circui breaker ouweigh is drawbacks, as i esures marke sabiliy ad proecs ivesor ieress.

Compariso wih Oher Global Markes

Oher major sock markes, such as he ew York Sock Exchage (YSE) ad he Shaghai Sock Exchage (SSE), have heir ow circui breaker mechaisms wih differe riggers ad rules. For example, he YSE implemes circui breakers a hree hresholds: 7%, 13%, ad 20% declies i he Su0026P 500 idex.

Each marke's circui breaker is ailored o is specific eeds ad marke codiios, reflecig he uique characerisics of is ivesor base ad regulaory evirome.


The HSI circui breaker is a criical ool i maiaiig he sabiliy of he Hog Kog sock marke. I provides a mechaism o preve excessive marke volailiy ad proec ivesor ieress durig urbule radig sessios. While i may emporarily disrup radig, is overall beefis i safeguardig marke iegriy ad ivesor cofidece cao be oversaed.

As global fiacial markes coiue o evolve, circui breakers remai a esseial par of he regulaory framework, esurig ha markes operae i a orderly ad efficie maer.

This aricle covers he esseials of he Hog Kog Sock Marke Idex Circui Breaker, providig readers wih a comprehesive udersadig of is purpose, fucioig, ad impac o he marke.

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